b-Blaster DC 12V-24V Series

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b-Blaster DC Series

12V-24V / 2 Ball Bearing

b-Blaster Series carries both AC and DC fans in a variety of sizes, speeds, styles and voltages..


The Bgears Fan (Depending on the model) comes with either a 3-pin connector (Like the b-Blaster Series), or 4-pin PWM (Like the b-PWM series) fan connector for fully automatic speed control via your mainboard’s 4-pin PWM fan headers.

Please check the model you have purchased to verify the type of connector the fan is designed for. The package also come with a 3-pin to 4-pin Molex adapter. This Adapter is to convert the existing 3-pin or 4pin fan connector on the fan into a 4-pin Molex connector so it can be connected directly to a power source that come in 4-pin Molex type connector.

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